The Sole Way
Reflexology is based on the theory that all parts of our body correspond to our hands and feet. Applying pressure to these points with the thumb, fingers, or hand can cause restorative physiological changes in the body. These changes include an increase in circulation, a reduction in stress, and the realignment of the innate balancing system which naturally exists in our bodies.
It is not certain how reflexology works, but what we do know is that there are over 2000 nerve endings in the feet, 26 bones in each foot and meridian energy lines that run all the way through the toes.
The Reflexology Experience
~Only the socks and shoes are removed
~The joints of the feet or hands are rotated and flexed.
~A small amount of lotion may be applied and the feet or hands will be kneaded. Then pressure will be applied to the reflex points.
~Depending on the assessment, particular areas may be given more attention.
Avra has furthered her knowledge of reflexology by studying: Touchpoint- Round about: Digestion, Ayurvedic Reflexology , Metamorphosis, and Reflexology for Women and their Hormones.
She is certified by the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB).