The Jin Shin Do® Foundation is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider (# 026771). Approved by California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # 04744 (contact hr. = hours of theory plus 1/3 of practice hours).
As an Authorized Jin Shin Do® teacher Avra teaches the following classes available for continuing education units
The Fundamentals of Self-Acupressure....8 hours *8 CEUs
Learn the Basic Jin Shin Do® Neck & Shoulder Release and a simple 25 point self-acupressure pattern. Learn how these self -care points might help relieve the tension and discomfort of headaches, backache, jaw pain, constipation, menstrual problems," heartburn", nausea,etc. Also includes a Basic Central Release. Jin Shin Do® helps balance the Qi /energy and improve vitality.
Jin Shin Do® Acupressure Facial....8 hours *8 CEUs
This facial is also called "Windows of the Sky" because along with some acu-points on the face and head, it uses additional points in the neck which release tension and aid circulation of Qi (energy) up and down the body, to open the "windows to heaven"- air and inspiration. This 12 step facial was originally developed for cosmetologists and is wonderfully relaxing. It may have additional benefits for sinuses, headaches, jaw tension and more.
Basic Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® Class ....40 hours *40 CEUs
Basic priciples,techniques and theories of Acupressure are taught. You will learn 55 Basic JSD acu-points with individual attention given to anatomy and detail. Included in this class will be: local/distal point theory - segmental release method for bodymind armoring and breathing techniques to facilitate tension - releases patterns for segments and Strange Flows ( also known as Extraordinary Meridians) for general bodymind relaxation.
For more JSD information you can view the Acupressure page and also go to:
The below workshops are designed to give all individuals holistic self help tools to assist them in their wellness maintenance. Techniques to help alleviate the aches and pains of growing up and growing older.
Fundamentals of Self Acupressure
Learn 25 easily reached points that will help balance your energy, emotions and alleviate physical pains. See above description.
Reflexology "The Sole Way" This workshop will introduce you to the concepts and connections involved with reflexology. You will learn how to read the "map of the feet".
Qi Gong "Awaken Your Inner Healing Power" please refer to Qi Gong page
Parent/Infant Massage Instruction
Customize : Presentations, spa parties, or more extensive workshops with Avra and associates
All workshops are available for private or group instruction
Some of the places where Avra has taught:
Hugh Doyle Senior Center, New Rochelle NY, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Rhinebeck NY, Wainwright House, Rye, NY, Westchester Commuinty College ( adult continuing education), Rye Country Day School, Rye, NY, Intervillage Continuing Education Yoga Sanctuary, Mamaroneck, NY, Larchmont/ Mamaroneck Center for Continuing Education, Wartburg Adult Care Community, Mount Vernon NY, Mamaroneck School District: Teacher Training Day, Rye Brook High School Wellness Day, Jamaica Hospital: Nurses Wellness Week, Temple Beth-El of City Island, Bronx NY, Scarsdale Adult Education